Sunday, May 03, 2009

16th Maid Abused This Year

Indonesian maid, that is. Doesn't include any other nationality. Not seeing as many cases of domestic abuse in the newspapers as we used to. Which, of course, doesn't mean that it isn't happening, it simply means that The Sandbox's image isn't tarnished by airing such dirty laundry in public. And sixteen Indonesian maids? That's only about one a week.

The horrific story of this young woman is here - with a photo of her feet. [Read: Her face was too badly bruised to show.]

Interesting that she has "severe injuries,"
having been hit with an electric wire, having burns on her back and genitals, a broken front tooth, black eyes and bruises on her face and that her sponsor says, "He did not know how she received physical injuries as they had never ill-treated her."

Classic case for calling B.S. Classic. She probably burned herself on her back and genitals in some sort of masochistic ritual, the black eyes and bruises on her face are from falling or hitting a door or something, and the broken tooth is the result of slipping in the tub. Um hmm. Sure. Sure. Her injuries - all of which were self inflicted or accidents - are severe enough that she has been in a hospital for THREE weeks! But the employer and his wife didn't do it. The young 20-year-old maid was taken to the hospital by ambulance after "members of the public who found her lying on the road."

The maid is able to talk and tells her attorney that the man who sponsored her [the man who brought her to The Sandbox to work] and his wife "struck her." To add insult to injury she has not been paid for the entire time she worked for the couple; 19 months and 14 days. Unimaginable. But, believable, here, where slavery is alive and well. The attorney told Arab News, "This is the 16th case of abuse of housemaids registered at the Indonesian Embassy this year. Some of them were victims of rape and consequently illegitimate pregnancy." Lovely. Just lovely.

What will happen to the man and his wife who abused this poor [in a literal sense] young maid? Nothing. They will get another maid to abuse. What will happen to the young maid? She will be deported and sent back to Indonesia UNPAID, if she is not charged with making a false report and thrown in jail.

Photo swiped from Big Dick's Place.

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