Sunday, May 03, 2009

ZoNation - Must be Shared

This man is good. He's got a whole slew of videos out there. Watch them all! Too bad more sheeples can't see what he sees. Keep it up, Zo!

Shamelessly swiped from Kickin' and Screamin' who took it from Jawa Report - which I can't get to, because it is blocked here, in The Sandbox.


  1. Thanks for having that on your blog. Never heard of him before and now I have to watch all of his videos! Sheeples seem to be blinded by the light.
    Have you ever watched JibJab? They have a great video of the candidates when they ran for nomination... got teh one down pat.

  2. This is off topic for this article, but what is happening with the car? Did you ever get that resolved? Get the plates? Get anything? Inquiring minds want to know :)

  3. Totally, he is, Janice!!! I feel like a groupie I'm so "enchanted" by his stuff. There is another guy out there - a white guy - who is a comedian - that does some pretty good stuff, too. Any idea who I'm trying to think of?

  4. I'll do a little surfing later to look for JibJab, BW. Enjoy Zo's stuff. He's got quite a library of it. Informed, intelligent. Tells it like it is!

  5. It is a whole other post, Anonymous. But funny you should ask. I'll try to do it - the post - in the next day or so. There is more to the story... The car situation continues to linger.

  6. Steven Crowder may be the guy you're thinking of.

  7. I believe the other guy is Steven Crowder, a stand-up conservative comedian and social/political commentator. In light of the current political/economic climate that we are weathering, Steven Crowder and Alfonzo ‘Zo’ Rachel are just what the doctor [meaning: psychiatrist] ordered to ease our collective suffering.

  8. Thanks, Naomi and StDiesel. Steven Crowder is EXACTLY who I was trying to come up with. He has some awfully good stuff!

  9. I've seen quite a few of his vids and the guy is spot on. He knows what he's talking about and is definitely the voice of reason. I just wish many more would listen. I'm sure they'd feel the same way.

    Great vid, Sabra.

  10. Have you ever tried using a proxy to view blocked websites? There are many services online that will provide you with a phony IP address that will allow you to view previously unaccessable content. I don't know if it can circumvent government blocking but it may be worth looking into...

    google for "hide ip address proxy"
