Saturday, February 28, 2009

Quiet Weekend

Pretty dull, here. I like it that way. Dull is what you want it to be. We had a beautiful day outside yesterday. Sun was shining. Birds were singing. It was 80 degrees in the sun with no wind. The Boy laid in the sun and I sat out with him. We have freed him of his hood. He is happy. Today we are going to take him for his first walk since the day before he had his surgery. DH asked if we should go yesterday and I would have like to have done so, but there were just too many children outside playing. Children frighten The Boy. [Heck, many of the children here frighten me!] They make The Baby nervous as well.

All of the two-legged kids go back to school today after having had a week off. Finally. With all that there is to do on this compound it, apparently, isn't enough. We have parks, pools, a BMX and roller-blade "rink" with all those "half-pipe" thingys and other apparatus geared to doing great bodily harm if you are not experienced, there is a bowling alley, a movie theater [one of the ONLY ones in The Sandbox which is for the compound residents only], a library [please don't go there - many of you have no clue how one is supposed to behave inside such a facility], soccer fields - dozens of them, a recreation building that has pool tables and ping pong tables and such, a horse farm, the beach [you need to ride the bus to get to the beach] and wide-open outdoor areas for you to go and hang out and enjoy. Why, with all of those choices, did you have to hang out in front of our house all week?!? So that The Kids could bark at you, that's why. Glad school is back in session.

We have another month of generally perfect outside weather. Once April rolls around people begin hanging out inside - too hot. Not for me, but for many. For me, it is time to get back to "work." No more inside projects. Heavy-duty reading time, outside, either next to or in the pool. [Will Rev have the pool ready for the beginning of tanning season? He better! He better be here today. It is the 28th. DH told him the pool had to be done by the end of the month. DH is off today so Rev can be guaranteed a phone call from him. If I call him - and I won't - I'm done trying to deal with Rev - all I would get from him would be a "yeah, yeah, yeah." Rev doesn't talk to DH like that.]

I actually need to be out there working on trying to get some color even though it isn't tanning season quite yet. I am going to go to Singapore next month for two weeks to visit friends who live there. Weather there is warm and humid, year-round. If I am going to be outside in light-weight spring dresses, and shorts or capri's, I need to have some color. Getting back to working six days a week will be a good thing. You won't hear me complaining about how hot it is here, ever, and the weather we have for eight or nine months of the year is definitely one of the things I will miss when we finally leave. I like the heat and I want it to be hot and sunny every day!

Hate to bore y'all with dull. Sometimes that is what life here is like. I did take a small group of pictures the other day downtown that are as exciting as the cheese bread pictures - but NOT nearly as appetizing. Since I am going to have to go back downtown to get some groceries at some point this week, I think I want to take some more. The few that I have are good, but not enough to convey the "real" picture. And, surely, by tomorrow the newspapers will be reporting on the "local" happenings so I'll have that, too.


  1. I love your post!! Thank you for knowing what it feels like regarding "dull". giggle.
    So many times someone we know, one of our friends would ask what did you do over the weekend. I would answer, nothing it was wonderful. haha They would never get it. I used to tell them well we walked around and shoppped and they would say yes but what did you do exciting. hahahaa I thought what we did was exciting and it was relaxing.
    Thanks for sharing I love your blog so much.

  2. Trust me, Wild Thing, "dull" is what you really, really want in this part of the world. I hope for my sake nothing changes that.

    That you love my blog means a great deal to me - coming from such a Blogging Goddess, as yourself. Thank you, Wild Thing!!!

  3. I really enjoy reading your blog. You give me a new perspective on life in a Muslim nation. Just how much longer are you going to be there? And would you even consider retiring there?

  4. DH would like for us to stay until he turns 50 - four more years. But as I've said to others previously, who knows - anything could happen - we might have to leave tomorrow - and we may stay longer than four more years. [I can only think about four more. That will be long enough for me, as far as I'm concerned.] There is not a chance we would ever retire here. First of all it is out of the question on a personal level. And, secondly, we would not be allowed to stay. Once the employment is finished - you're given an exit only visa and you don't return.

    I'm glad you enjoy my blog, Findalis. Compliments are always nice and graciously received.

  5. Just watched the first hour of LOTR, in which all the hobbits ever wanted was a Quiet Life, with food and ale and pipeweed and year after year of peaceful, uneventful boredom. But no: dark forces are gathering on the Potomic...

  6. Does it mirror real-life, Vermindust? I've never seen it. I don't think a quiet life with food and ale and pipeweed year after year with uneventful boredom would be such a bad thing!


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