Friday, March 06, 2009

PCRC Solved

This is going to make all the difference! Sending those who have committed traffic violations an SMS message to their phone. And a "yellow slip." We are going to immediately see a drastic reduction of violators, now, I bet. A company "has been tasked with monitoring traffic accidents and has started updating motorists' data. ...when the company finishes updating motorists' data, it will start sending messages to them through their mobile phones informing them of the traffic violations that they have made." Did anyone even for one quick second stop to think that many of those violators are going to be getting the messages on their phones WHILE they are in a vehicle DRIVING? Probably not. And it isn't going to matter because if all you're getting is an SMS that you made a traffic violation you're not going to be very upset about it. "The administration which has been assigned to look into traffic violations will continue its work until traffic courts have been set up when traffic vilators will receive yellow notification slips indicating the traffic violations for which they have been responsible." Am I the only one who believes that NONE OF THIS is going to deter anyone from making traffic violations???

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