Monday, October 27, 2008


There is a "Move to ban underage marriages" here, in the Sandbox. The voice of sanity may just prevail... Certainly we cannot expect that any law in this respect will be readily accepted as the societal norms which are embedded in the culture are not likely to be surrendered without struggle. That the issue is even on the proverbial table is a start, though. Baby steps...

Perhaps this man was simply looking for a wife. The girls were in high-school, so even if a new law is passed making the minimum age fourteen, if you are in high-school you are probably old enough.

Are adolescent boys' voices so high-pitched that they can pose as women in telephone conversations? Apparently they are.

You can either pull a "Casey Anthony," or you can set your toddler down by the side of the road. At some point, the result is going to be the same no matter which option you choose. See a "snapshot," here.

A 40-year-old woman has escaped from jail. The report in today's Arab News indicates that "The escape was well planned... the woman might have been assisted by a prison guard." This is something I have not given any thought at all to, here, but are there MEN guarding WOMEN in jails? And, if there are men guarding women in jails, here, wouldn't that be just slightly contradictory to all that is practiced in keeping the sexes separated? The article also says, "The woman, who was sent to jail on a conviction relating to drugs, had only five months left to serve. She had previously escaped from a juvenile home in Riyadh." How long was her jail sentence? Assume that she was sent to the "juvenile home" when she was 18 [and that, in my opinion, is pushing the age to the max for a "juvenile"]. She is 40 now. Has she been in jail for 22 years and completely thrown freedom to the wayside when her sentence would be complete with just another five months left to serve? Did she want to remain in jail for the rest of her life? Why else would anyone try to escape after 22 years in jail with only five months of their sentence remaining???

On a much more serious note, in this article, Dr. Ahmed A. Audhali says that "delays in deciding labor cases in the Kingdom concerning monetary claims and restoration of rights of foreign workers is creating a bad image for the country. [Ya think?!?] It is disgraceful seeing many labor cases filed by expatriate workers getting dragged for months because of bureaucratic red tape and delays in decisions. Workers with labor cases filed in labor courts are being thrown on the street [or in jail!], becoming liabilities instead of being productive. In a number of instances, claimants for renumeration die before they even get the fruit of their toils." [Emphasis, mine.] Where are the like-attitudes of this man?!?

Dr. Audhali isn't already worthy of applause for those statements, he goes on: "The judges who sit in labor courts decide on the weight of the evidences presented by both sides - that of the employer and the worker. In the process the employers get the upper hand in convincing the judges to render judgment in their favor because the poor workers are not properly represented. Oftentimes labor disputes drag on for months because employers put up conditions and excuses just to delay the cases. Workers suffer much because of the delays in rendering judgment, and this is precisely one of the critical issues why the image of the country before the eyes of labor exporting countries is not that positive."

Dr. Ahmed A. Audhali, you are deserving of more than just applause. You are worthy of repeated standing ovations!!!


  1. I find it interesting that when referring to in getting Arabs (and Muslim Arabs are first and foremost Arab) to change a perceived barbaric action into something a little more humanitarian...its always commented that "change will come...but in time...we cant change over night"...well...considering non Muslims that arrive in the Kingdom must damn well change themselves overnight to avoid the muttawa come "they" can change with almost no personal hardship other then grumbles and frustration...and yet Arabs (any or all in my opinion) cant be if 1400 years to get your act together is moving things too fast....sheesh!! (rant over)

    clap clap clap for the Dr.....a rare MAN indeed

  2. I find all these stories so frustrating with rules for one and not the other.....too angry to say more!!!


  3. How many baby steps can you make in 1400 years, Coolreds???

    And yes, Dr. Audhali is INDEED rare!

  4. Just a way of life, here, Gill... And yes. It is angering and frustrating, to say the least!


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